Vibe Conductor Vignettes Vol. 2
Doing DJ things and made another blend pack with that special Vibe Conductor touch.
The Vibe Conductor
Doing DJ things and made another blend pack with that special Vibe Conductor touch.
It’s not categorized. I only mention albums in passing. It’s not even comprehensive. So much music is released that I can only fully assimilate a trickle of it. These are just ten eleven* joints I…
Continue Reading The Vibe Conductor 2011 Hot List
It’s been out for a couple of weeks but good music isn’t held captive by 1st week sales or blizzards. If this is all foreign to you, play catch up here. The brainchild of UK…
Continue Reading Refuge #16: Get a copy of the new Silhouette Brown tonight
Even more so than last year, this list was an excruciating exercise due to a glut of options rather than a shortage. 2008 was a great year for black music. I won’t even address the…
Continue Reading The Vibe Conductor 2008 Hot List
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