Vibe Conductor Vignettes Vol. 1
New blend pack for funsies. Put some sweet songs against some other sweet songs and they’re all playing nicely together.
The Vibe Conductor
New blend pack for funsies. Put some sweet songs against some other sweet songs and they’re all playing nicely together.
Back to real life gigs in room with real live humans. I like how this one turned out.
The Vibe Conductor made a couple of radio guest appearances recently. Collected here in cased you missed them.
Threw down on the UHallTV Twitch channel and got my life.
Sol Power All-Stars recruit Kenny Wesley, DJ Spinna and Caserta for our ninth release.
The Vibe Conductor returns to the patio at Eighteenth Street Lounge. Pre-game for your Friday night with another live mix.
It’s #FDT all day every day over here, and Sol Power All-Stars made a record about it.
House music all night long. Bring some warm clothing items for those in need.
A snapshot of The Vibe Conductor administering some jams on the ESL patio on a Saturday night.
An hour of open sunroof tunes that I put together for my friends at Bump n’ Grind.
A Monday night house excursion from bruk to soulful and deep, as recorded on DJ Paul Howard’s “House After Dark” show on WPFW.
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In the words of the great Alexander O’Neal, here’s my gift to you.
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