Live at Ciel Social Club
Back to real life gigs in room with real live humans. I like how this one turned out.
The Vibe Conductor
Back to real life gigs in room with real live humans. I like how this one turned out.
The leaves have fallen.
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DJ Stylus and DJ Meistro share 40 tracks in 90 minutes that influenced them as DJs. (hint: lots of De La Soul)
A farewell to summer mix.
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Showing love to PLOY, Kaytranada, Austin Peralta, Latasha Lee & The BlackTies and Da Mixx Band.
If your brunching tastes are sophisticated, you need the proper musical accompaniment for your dining.
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Throw this on while partaking of fellowship, alcohol fortified fruit juices and delectable carbs with good company.
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Been inserted into the Marvin week day rotation a few times lately, and since I’ve been getting lounge crowds more suited to hanging out than raving, I’ve been playing Refuge style sets… and enjoying it.…
Continue Reading Tuesday night at Marvin: a Refuge special
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An all-vinyl excursion from early in the development of The Vibe Conductor
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I had jazz on the mind last week, and was reviving thoughts of doing a Dingwalls style jazz dance party in DC. Or even like Jazz Attitudes in Paris. Think it could work? Here are…
Continue Reading Refuge #11: Giving you something with jazz
In case you missed Refuge last week, please add these to your personal rotation. You’ll be a much happier individual. Nuspirit Helsinki – “Silent Steps” I can’t believe it’s going on eight years since I…
Continue Reading Refuge #7: Do you know these records?
Since Tami is dropping heat rocks left, right and all over the place, it seemed like a good time to take it back. We did this project in ’05 after we did an EP in…
Continue Reading Digging in the crates: Tamara In Wonderland
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