Tweets from the booth, episode 10: The Positivity Edition
Because too much uninterrupted cynicism gives you high blood pressure.
The Vibe Conductor
Because too much uninterrupted cynicism gives you high blood pressure.
Featuring DJ Trayze, Rich Medina, and a bunch more people who are sick of your shit.
[photo: J.COMBAT] [Audio clip: view full post to listen] [download | right-click (PC) or CTRL-click (Mac) > ‘Save As’] [subscribe in iTunes] For some reason I was playing reeeaally aggressively. Deep Sang was playing schmoove…
Continue Reading Deep Sang & Stylus, Z-Trip warm-up @ RnR Hotel (11/14/08)
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DJ Z-Trip w/DJ Stylus & Deep Sang Friday, November 14, 2008 at 9:00pm The Rock And Roll Hotel 1353 H Street NE WDC $20 From 9pm-10pm, Buy 1 Drink, Get 1 Free w/ RSVP at…
Continue Reading DJ Z-Trip w/DJ Stylus & Deep Sang, Fri. 11/14