Introducing my fave artists to each other in my imagination and making new jams to play in my sets.
The Vibe Conductor
Introducing my fave artists to each other in my imagination and making new jams to play in my sets.
Pressed record while running down some of my fave broken beat joints on Twitch.
For those who were unable to Wakanda Forever with us, and those who wish to relive it.
Let’s discuss D’Angelo’s Black Messiah album then go party in Birnin Zana, Wakanda’s capital city.
Doing DJ things and made another blend pack with that special Vibe Conductor touch.
New blend pack for funsies. Put some sweet songs against some other sweet songs and they’re all playing nicely together.
The Vibe Conductor will be closing out the festival by following the mighty Rebirth Brass Band. No pressure.
Back to real life gigs in room with real live humans. I like how this one turned out.
Three days of free family friendly fun and outside jams. Catch Axel F Party with DJ Stylus and Jahsonic as well as Daylight DC and Zo! & Tall Black Guy.
Rocking for His Purple Majesty on his birthday. 18 hours of house quaking with The Vibe Conductor and a massive international DJ line-up.
The Vibe Conductor made a couple of radio guest appearances recently. Collected here in cased you missed them.
Unearthing some formative DC music from the year 2000. Just in time for the last Bandcamp Friday of 2020.