So yeah, Meistro’s back from Nigeria and it’s his birthday. Seems like a fitting time to get the three amigos together again.
Sol Power! Afro. Latin. Brazilian. House. Disco. Funk.
With DJ Stylus, Meistro and Deep Sang.
Samba whistles, shekeres and cowbells welcome. Sweat to the rhythms of Cuba, Brazil, Puerto Rico & West Africa.
Saturday, Oct. 24
1771 U St, NW (18th & U)
Washington, DC
And as an extra bonus treat, here’s the last hour from when we rocked in June.
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Of course the homie went digging on his trip. Make sure you check out Meistro’s mix on Soul Strut putting some of those rare treats on display.
[…] see much in the Sol Power vids, but you can hear a lot of really excited people. They were so excited that they weren’t […]