We’ve released a lot of music
The Sol Power catalog is deep. Get into the flourishment of our discography then come party with us.
The Vibe Conductor
The Sol Power catalog is deep. Get into the flourishment of our discography then come party with us.
DJ Stylus has joined the Record Breakin’ Music family. 1. Cop the 5th anniversary compilation to get up to speed. 2. Listen to my mans Lil Dave rock the RBM classics and exclusives. 3. Be…
Continue Reading RBM 5 Year Anniversary mix & compilation
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Refuge is about discovering and sharing new sounds. This Wednesday, get an advance listen to the new release from Philadelphia’s Record Breakin’ Music from 9 – 10pm and be one of 5 winners of a…
Continue Reading Refuge: Anthony Valadez album release, Wed. 11/4