We rocked your bodies for a year at Dahlak.
Then we took it outdoors for some fun in the sun, block party style.
Now it’s time for the next chapter: moving to one of the best rooms in the city and a venue that has earned international acclaim, Eighteenth Street Lounge.
We’re pretty excited, and not just because it’ll be much easier to promote. Here’s why everyone wins:
– awesome sound system
– great wooden dancefloor
– multiple bars
– outdoor deck in warm weather
– multiple floors, one of which has a jazz band. so you can alternate between chilling out and partying hard.
Starting November 6, Our ESL schedule will be 1st Saturdays, every OTHER month. So our sessions will be just frequent enough for you to miss us in between.
with Sol Power All-Stars DJ Stylus, DJ Meistro, Deep Sang and Hermon Farahi on percussion.
21 & up
$5 before 11 pm, $10 after. We play all night long.
1212 18th ST NW Washington, DC
You also should check out the new Sol Power site, because there will be treats:
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Rhome, Marcus Dowling and TGRIOnline, TGRIOnline. TGRIOnline said: RT @DJStylus: #SolPowerDC moves to @18thStLounge THIS SATURDAY w/ @deepsang @marcmeistro @psalms_133 @DJStylus http://ow.ly/34vJ7 ==> … […]