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For some reason I was playing reeeaally aggressively. Deep Sang was playing schmoove so it balances out. Mission accomplished. The crowd got toasty but we hit them with a completely different manner of ordnance than what Z-Trip came with. Got the dancefloor popping but didn’t peak it out early. That’s how you carry the first leg.
Mad level, balance and distortion issues on this but I promised to post it. Maybe it’ll take you back to the cassette days, true house party style.
Nope, the rock star himself Z-Trip isn’t on this recording. Just make sure you catch him live at the next possible opportunity.
I really enjoyed that sir. Had me bumping relentlessly while trying to read emails. I was not able. Great set. Hope to hear you live in DC sometime when I reappear.
Loved the sound quality by the way, it added that mix tape authenticity. Thanks again for posting. 🙂